EICS Indigenous Education

Elk Island Catholic Schools supports teachers, administrators, and central office staff in their commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation's Calls to Action (2015). Indigenous Education Lead teachers from each school meet regularly with the division Indigenous Education consultant to engage in professional learning and deepen confidence in foundational knowledge areas to share back with their staff. Relationships have been formed with members of the Indigenous community to provide guidance to the leads and staff and to connect directly with students. These processes inspire capacity building within our school communities by:
- Enhancing connections with Elders, knowledge keepers, and other resource people for authentic and relevant learning experiences in and out of the classroom.
- Strengthening staff and student knowledge of the histories, cultures, and contributions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
- Developing classroom practices to include pedagogy reflective of Indigenous ways of learning and knowing.
- Supporting understanding of treaties and agreements negotiated with First Nations and the Métis in Canada.
- Encouraging organization of and participation in whole school events that advance understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures, languages and histories.
We Are All Treaty People - Acknowledging Land and People