Here Comes the Sun Retreat Offers Holistic Approach to Self Care

Between October 10 and 12, students and staff from each of our schools gathered to learn innovative ways to care for their well-being through a set of workshops that addressed their spiritual, mental, and physical health.
Organized through our Here Comes the Sun well-being program, each day offered opportunities for a small collection of students and staff to understand new ways to care for themselves and, in turn, demonstrate these new approaches for their peers.
Rev. Kris Schmidt of St. Francis Xavier Church led the faith formation discussion, speaking to the role of the church in forming community and providing support. Metis artist Krista Leddy and Elder Garry Gairdner shared their knowledge of Indigenous art. Steven Csorba from PEPY shared the importance of forming active and healthy habits.
All three days began with a mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church.
This program is funded through a $440,000 grant from Alberta Education’s Mental Health in Schools Pilot.