Booking Form

Facility Rentals Booking Form

**Other, Additional and Specialty Areas & Commercial Functions: Please contact the Booking Agent at


**Please enter any dates you do not need your rental.



Any personal information that we ask you to provide on this form is collected in compliance with section 33 of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. We collect only what is necessary for the rental of our schools. The information is used only for the purpose it was collected or for a consistent purpose. Further, we keep the information only for the length of time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

Changes or cancellations shall be given to the booking agent in writing or by e-mail at least 48 hours in advance and a fee shall be charged where changes or cancellations by a user group are excessive or where inadequate notice is given. It shall be the booking agent’s responsibility to notify the custodial contractor/Facilities Services Coordinator as soon as possible of such changes or cancellations. All groups must be prepared to give up their allotted time should the Principal desire the use of the school. When possible, advance notice will be given to the group or Recreation Department by the Principal at least 48 hours prior to the time for which the school had been reserved.

I have the authority to sign on behalf of the organization and/or individual as named on the contract. I accept responsibility for all costs incurred. I have read and agree to the attached EICS General Conditions for the Use of School Facilities and will make every effort to ensure all participants abide by these guidelines and am committed to comply with its provisions. I understand that failure to comply with any of the guidelines may result in the loss of rental privileges within EICS facilities and/or other penalties. I accept responsibility for damage and/or injuries to any person(s) and to any damage to Board premises and/or equipment arising from use of Board facilities.